Monday, August 13, 2012

And So It Begins...Again

Two months...two freaking months since I last blogged. How incredibly lame. What's even worse is that I have very little to show for those two months of silence. Up until this past Saturday (August 11th) I hadn't touched Genevieve. I have only written an extra 1,000 words on Caitlin and I still have no concrete plans for Grayson. I read 40 books over the last two months which is about average for me anyway. I worked out for about two weeks in there and then stopped right before my vacation (which ended yesterday). I absolutely hate that when I break everything down like this, I have nothing to show for the last two months of my life. Even factoring in hanging out with friends and family, there is still a lot of time that I probably spent sitting on my ass watching tv or spacing out or playing video games.

To make matters a little worse, school supplies are filling up the stores around here and it's making me sad. I actually really miss being in school. I miss the structure and the deadlines. I actually went online the other day to look at continuing education course options, but realized that since I can barely afford food sometimes, that paying to go to school when I'm still paying for my BA would be a dumb idea. So then I went online and looked at syllabi for different classes thinking that maybe if I created my own syllabus for each project I have (writing, reading and working out) then maybe I would actually get stuff done and become a productive person again. I'm seriously considering this, but I'm not sure how yet.

All I know is that I need to get back to how I was when I was in school three years ago. I juggled working full time, taking 2-3 classes a semester and still had a social life. Now I just need to do the same thing and I can't seem to figure out how. I better have it figured out by September 1st though because whether I like it or not things are going to change because they have to. Hopefully though I'll get it figured out soon and then I'll have a soft launch into this new life situation, which is always the best way to go I think.

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